Once Upon a Time...


I believe it was mid to late 1997 or early 1998 when I was introduced to Weigh Down Workshop (WDW).  I noticed that an associate had lost a large amount of weight and did not look depleted.  You know how some people lose a lot of weight and just look sick?  She didn't and although she had some ways to go, she still looked good and happy, so I asked what we all wanted to know, "What are you doing?"  She explained that she has been in a Bible-based program, that focuses on God and weight loss.  

She told me how you can eat what you want, and drink what you want but you only eat when you are hungry, and you stop when you are satisfied.  Simple right?  I thought so too, so I tried to adapt the principles on my own.  Nothing was easy about it!  You don't realize how disobedient you are until you strive to be obedient.  

A few weeks later, I joined my first class and learned that I was doing it all wrong.  My first mistake is I never identified true hunger.  You have to let your body empty out so it can understand true hunger vs. fulfilling an urge to eat.  My second mistake was I was not stopping when satisfied.  I was eating all of my food, every morsel because I was raised not to waste food.  Big mistake!  But the third and most detrimental mistake to being successful in this program was not obeying the creator of my body, my temple.

Gwen Shamblin's opinion was that if you are truly serving and honoring God (the Creator) in ALL things, you would lose weight.  The stronghold that food has on you cannot survive in a God (spiritual) focused person.  She was right!  I applied the principles and before I knew it the weight was MELTING OFF!  I didn't work out, I didn't stop eating what I wanted to eat, I didn't worry about weight.  I was FINALLY free, living life and losing weight.

If my stomach growled, I ate.  When I felt nourished, I stopped.  Once I got the hang of this and saw how successful it was, I began to adopt more principles like discipline.  Obedience is one thing and discipline is on another level.  I started going to Church more, reading my Bible more, listening to gospel music.  Set a goal to eat clean instead of what I wanted, despite being successful at it my ego said I could lose more faster if I disciplined myself.

Slowly but surely the weight came back plus some and it wasn't until this very moment that I understood why.  I was no longer using my temple to be of service to the Creator.  Wanting to be disciplined so I can let the God in me shine is one thing, but I allowed my ego in.  I allowed wanting to rush the process to "look good" to lead me to a land of self-serving.  No longer was my mission to be the best me so that I could be a reflection of my Creator.  This had evolved into becoming a more "visually" pleasing me.  Nothing to do with my heart but my outward appearance.  My heart was not desiring God, it was more focused on attention, therefore I did not succeed.

SO, recently I decided to start back on the WDW journey only to find that they have a documentary out.  Initially, I was excited!  I wanted to watch it and it HAD to be divine intervention because it aired the day I had these urges to start the program again.  I subscribed on YouTube and followed WDW on social media to prepare.  Turned on the documentary and my GAWD... 

Gwen died in May (2021), they are saying she ran a cult and I just finished 2 episodes and this shit is so wild.  I am going to finish it, but I have been in a constant state of "WTF is really going on" since I cut this documentary on...  She is like a weight loss Santa Claus to me.  We know all about Jesus in the Manager but y'all spend big bucks on Santa.  I knew she had to be cleaning up because I actually bought the tapes, the workbooks, a walkman, and I was actually living this life.  Not a bad life at all, I was literally living a dream and you telling me that THIS woman y'all talking about in the documentary is the same as weight loss Santa?!  GTFOH... 

I can't believe it but I will watch this entire documentary because I love Chrissy Teigen and she seems to be a real one so I will watch, and I will let you all know how this goes. But in the meantime, I will be utilizing the WDW principles to see if I can successfully lose weight.  I will document that process as well.  

Please join me as I travel through life, writing, taking pictures, questioning, and hopefully answering some of life's ponders.  I look forward to sharing this and many more journeys with you all.  
