An Observed Observation

    Last night it snowed followed by rain but today is a holiday, so it feels like a waste of a bad weather day.  Today is observed for MLK Day.  I remember this day being a huge day in elementary school but as I've gotten older it seems like the day is what you make it.  Nobody is educating you yearly about how important this day is and what this man has done for us as a people.

My niece (14) and nephew (21) have never heard Stevie Wonder's, Happy Birthday, tribute to Dr. King.  TF?  Our elementary school used to play that in class.  Shit is amazing that the schools don't feel responsible for teaching all of this history.  BUT that is the importance of sending our children to schools that support their culture.  Was our elementary school in the best neighborhood? NO!  However, we did learn so much about ourselves as a people and we learned to be proud of our people all year long.  Also, I feel like as an aunt, it is my duty to pass that knowledge down and since they don't know it is a reflection on me as well. I could say that their parents should teach them but mine didn't teach me so I will just comment on how I learned and that I have dropped the ball on passing down that knowledge.  Accountability is always key.

Which brings me to this. Where will the future go to learn about the past?  How will the leaders of tomorrow learn about the ones that had the courage to pave the way for us today?  If not in the classroom, where? 

Family members? Instagram? TikTok? Snapchat? Facebook/Meta? Where?! 🀷🏾‍♀️  I don't know but I guess since I care so much, I should do my part.  This way I can also learn about things I've never known about my history, and I look forward to sharing what I learn.  Let's hope my niece and nephew actually read my blog.🀞🏾πŸ₯°
