Built not Bought

Shoutout to Angela Simmons for the reference, "Built not bought". 

    Most people look back at pictures and say things suggesting that at that time, they were at their peak. Regardless of if they are aging gracefully, they admire what they looked like back when...

Not me! When I see a picture from my past, I know that the future me is so much better. She is going to be so bad! She is going to be well read, know all sorts of music, write for a living, perfectly toned complexion, hair so long it sweeps the floor, and her curves?! 🥶 So cold, she gotta be hot 🔥🥵🥵. Future me is beautiful inside and out, and that 🐱?! I will be a perfect mix of moisturizer and muscles, with a highly valued box. 🥰 

I mean, future me is perfection and I am enjoying growing into her. I look forward to looking back at old pictures remembering how I blossomed into what the Creator developed. Future me is a product of obedience and faith. I am patiently working on her like Noah did the ark... Just doing what I am being called to do and the rest will fall into place.  

What do you have planned for yourself in the future?
