Dear Life

Dear Life,

I would ask, "How are you?", but I imagine you're busy just happening to the rest of us.  You have to be tired.

Today was just exhausting and it is only partially over.  I keep wondering, "What is the fun of growing up?", only to be wishing your days away.  Grand delusion, delusions of grandeur... However, you say it, that should have been adults' response when we were children wishing to be "Grown".  This ain't shit to be wishing for.

Lord knows I miss the days of having my ass powdered and being burped after I ate.  I miss somebody putting me to bed gingerly. Careful not to wake me because they want me to have peace.  

Not life!  This life? This life likes waking up to Tanisha from Bad Girls Club.  Alarmingly startling you out of your sleep by slapping cookie sheets together yelling, "WOMP, WOMP!"  TF?!  Life is to be appreciated cause it is definitely work.

Life is exhausting.  Wake up early to do what you MIGHT love on most days, but what you REALLY want to do is hood rat shit with you friends.  And I don't care what color you are or what the fuck your gender is, we all want to just be doing some fun shit with our friends.  Laughing and making memories.  I don't want to mix my friends with my co-workers either but that is exactly what we have been programmed to do.  

Make friends in institutionalized settings so you never think about branching off.  We cry like babies when we graduate high school and college because of the bonds we have made and since we have been through this sort of separation since Pre-K, we understand that a new chapter is about to start and everything we have grown accustomed to is about to change.  Good, bad, or beautiful we will mourn the loss and/or gain of what is yet to come.

However, no matter how many times a day I sit and feel these growing pains, I am grateful to experience them.  I am honored to be chosen to live THIS LIFE, in THIS MOMENT.  The complaints, the adult tantrums, and partial mental breakdowns have all been for my good.  And look at that, life just keeps getting better and better even when it feels bad, I still see the blessings.

How is your life? Honestly...
