Have you ever...

Have you ever been in love?

Real love?  No silly, stupid, or petty love but GROWN ASS LOVE?

Have you ever been in LOVE?

I am in love.  

GROWN ASS LOVE.  The kind that I prepared for by being the woman my Daddy molded me to be.  When love appeared in my life at the age of 20, I was ready.

I recognized love because I had described love.  I knew what my love would sound like, look like, dress like... I knew the complexion of my love. So, when I saw my love the only question I had was, "Did he know it was me?"  I should feel familiar to him too.

Almost 3 decades later, I think it's safe to say we were on one accord.

He loves me the way I knew I deserved love.  As a child, a girl, a woman.  He nurtures me... He loves me in so many ways that all ways feel familiar.

When he hugs me, it reminds me of how my grandmother would just rock and hug us.  When he holds my hand, it reminds me of holding hands with my sister and skipping.  When he takes me on road trips, it reminds me of riding around for hours with my dad listening to music.  When he cooks for me, it reminds me of my mother.  When he jokes with me, it reminds me of weekends with cousins.  Every way he loves me, feels right to my soul.  Is it too good to be true or is it is what it is?  I don't know but I do know that yeah, I've been in love.  I am in love.  I am love.

Have you ever been in love? Tell me about it.
