Internal Debate | Saturday, January 22, 2022

I woke up this morning to national bad news.  Regina King's son has passed away 😢.  To me, this is one of thee baddest entertainers of my time. She went from 227, Boyz n the Hood, on to a director and so much more.  She is the hope and the dream of a slave. I find her inspiring...

    So, to learn that her only son decided it was time to move along hurt me, for her, and for him. I can't explain it, but IYKYK🙏🏾. Empathy for her and her family, empathy for her son. 

I was reading the comments under a post on Twitter, and someone said, "My heart aches for her. A parent should never bury their child." Then another read, "It's not the natural order of things." 

I can't stop thinking about that... Having lost my dad, would it have been more tragic if he had lost me? Is the death of a parent less tragic than burying a child?  My head and heart are having the greatest debate.  My head thinks I'm glad I did not pass before my dad. I would not want him to be left on earth experiencing this much pain. Cause if I hurt like this, me leaving him would have to hurt more. Right?  His baby girl? 
I know he had to light up the first time he laid eyes on me because he did it every time he saw me. Every time.  That man loved me, and I adored him. Everything thing I know about love, I learned from loving my daddy. I grew up and grew into a loving woman because of the love I learned from him. He took his time with me, explained the world to me, hugged me, encouraged me, protected me, prayed with me, prayed for me, prayed over me, he instructed me, trusted me, and he cried with me.   He shared with me and one day my superhero disappointed me.

I imagine my first human connection was with him.  I feel like he was the first person to ever make me smile so, my heart says no.  No, parents should not die before children. My hearts firsts loves are my parents, regardless of which one is the favorite. My parents are 2 halves of my whole heart. They are the physical creators of me, where I got everything from first. They made me. So, what do you do when part of your heart dies?

Then my head says, that's how parents feel about losing a child...

My head and heart have reconciled that nobody is better off when you lose a love of your life. A piece of your heart, soul, your DNA.  Doesn't matter if it's a biological parent, adopted child... It doesn't matter, loss is loss. Love is love. God is God.
