Check-In: Month 1, 2nd Qtr.


The 16th day of January and we literally have 2 more weeks before February.  I have a feeling this year will go by faster than last year.  I still have weight to lose from 2020 when the damn pandemic started... Let me be honest, I had weight to lose well before the pandemic started but, during the pandemic I could have focused on it but nah. 🥴  I didn't focus on that, I focused on the pandemic and the world losing its damn mind.  2021 was supposed to be rest from 2020, but we would soon learn that it was just 2020 to be continued.  And this year is like season 3, SMH.

I did lose my dad 3 months into the pandemic and if that isn't an excuse for extreme starvation, I don't know what is.  I ate though 🤷🏿, and basically maintained my weight.  That's not bad, but it's not good either cause honestly, i'm fat as shit. 5 feet 3 inches and over 200 pounds 😒, child!

Instead of all the material things that I make a goal in addition to weight loss any other year; this year, I'm ONLY focusing on becoming a healthier version of myself.  Perhaps one day I will feel comfortable enough to share with you my actual starting weight.  I am sure I will feel comfortable sharing it after I lose about 50 pounds but I want to share it before that time so you can join me on this journey.  

I know, I know.  The last thing anyone needs is to read another weight loss blog but that isn't what this is or will turn out to be.  It's more like sharing some aspects of my journey through life and this is one of the main highlights of this year.  I really want document this transition.  Hopefully, some readers will share some encouragement and tips as I transition into a healthier and more active lifestyle. A support group never hurt nothin', right?
