FREEDOM: Not for Sale

My freedom is not for sale.

I don't want your 8 hour a day job, for bare minimum ass pay, that literally can turn into a ten hour a day job because y'all don't do shit but sit in meetings creating more work for those of us that actually DO work.
My freedom is not for sale.

I am not interested in your benefits that come out of MY check, making my low ass salary lower.  Then y'all have the nerve to micromanage the leave I have built by coming up in here dealing with y'all when I should be at my house managing all the shit I really need to do.  Then I realize...
My freedom been sold.  

I was born into slavery, cloaked in what was taught to me to be freedom.  My freedom was gone the day my grandmother told my mother, before I was even born, "get that good government job".  

And that's what she did.
My freedom was sold the day I was conceived and got old enough to work and my mother said the same shit to me.  
You know what I did?  I did what she did. 

I sold my freedom.

I sold my freedom the day I believed that the only way I could survive in the land of the free and the home of the brave was to be of service as an employee.
I sold my freedom the day I let what another defined as freedom cultivate mine.  
I gave it away for pennies too. SMH

I sold my freedom, and I took those pennies and denied myself the pleasures of right now.   I save because unfortunately, the structure we sold ourselves into does not support one who lack funds.  Freedom not free and if it is, it's because you paid for it in full.
I don't know how but I will learn what true freedom is and I will thrive in that space.

I will have my freedom fully refunded, in big bills.
