Numerology Blog

I read a blog, a numerology blog.  I read it weekly, monthly, annually, and sometimes daily.  I thought about this when I was thinking if anyone read my blogs.  It made me think of this blog... The numerology blog.

I don't care if I am the only person that read that blog, I would be so disappointed if the creator no longer made posts.  I am very into numerology and her page just feels so authentic, like she actually studies numbers and I trust the content.  Or should I say, I trust the intent of the content.  

With that said, I will no longer worry about "the numbers".   I create because I am a creative and it is my duty to express it however, I see fit.  That is why the creator blesses me with breath and the ability to create in the ways that my heart desires to create.

On this journey to freedom, I must think freely. 

Once I think freely, I can act accordingly.  Once I act accordingly, I can live as a true free being.  But the first step is surrender.  Do what you are called to do, and the universe serves you. 

I still need that full refund in big bills though.
