Today's internal discussion...

You ever wish you had the courage to love yourself more?

Not obsess over if it will leave you alone in life because you have now decided to actually put yourself first?

Like, have no ties to anyone and reciprocate that energy. Could you do that?

Do you have the courage to set boundaries and still let people inside?  Can you accept love in return for your love? Can you open yourself to experiencing the unknown side of love?

Can you experience life? Do you have the courage to experience life the way your soul yearns to experience it?  Not what other people say the experience should be, but the way you dream it to be?

What is the life that you imagine?

What is your dream life?

How can you make your dreams possible? Do you have the courage to make your dreams possible?

If you were to move anywhere on earth, today, where would it be?

Why there?

If you could do what you love for a living what will it be?  


Well write then!

I'm writing.

Well keep writing.

I will, but what if I never get paid and have to keep doing what I hate for income? What if you succeed and get to do what you love and get paid for a living? Either way, keep writing.

I am.

Why?  Why do you have the courage to write but not to fight for the life in which you can always write?  Who told you that writing wasn't a job to pursue? Who said you could not earn a living writing?

What do you want to write for a living?

What are all the styles of writing you would want to try?

What is your favorite style of writing? Do you want to write books, movies, plays, lyrics, short stories, poetry, articles, newsletters, reviews?  Reviews of what?  You could start writing reviews of everything that you do and try.  Real Life Reviews.

Just an idea and you have millions of ideas but what are the ones that you have the courage to create?  What are the ideas that make you want to get out of bed every morning and make it hard to crawl into bed every night?  What are the things that you want to do that inspires you to live fearlessly, creatively, and freely?

Do you have a courage to live that life? 

There's only one way out.  We are all going to die, we have to die but this life and how we conduct it is the only choice that we have so what are you going to do? What steps are you going to make to start creating the life of your wildest dreams?

What can you do today to propel you into the best day you can have tomorrow?  How do you want to spend your time?

You can't just walk around spending time and making no money.  Everything needs to be paid for even the air we breathe.  Living got rent that needs to be paid daily so how do you create a flow of income doing what you love?

How do you do that freely and still make money?  Thinking about all this shit is a full-time job.  

What are your basic needs?  A home, the income to pay for the home, the amenities to survive in a home, and enough to care for myself.  Enough to make all independent decisions until the universe is ready to bless me with abundance.

How much does that cost a month? I should not have to figure all this shit out.  Life's "why" isn't those born before us trying to pave a way so we don't have to sit and figure this shit out.  I should not have to be worried about how much it costs to breath comfortably on this earth and if that sounds like entitlement then so be it.

I want to feel as liberated as a white man on any part of this American soil.  I want to have the fearless courage to go anywhere I want on this land and know that when people see me, they see a human being. Not a threat.  I want real freedom and the right to become who I want to be.  I want to be able to have a real sense of community and home before I die.  I want to know what it feels like to walk outside and see people that root for me like we root for babies that take their first steps.

I want the cheers and the claps of succeeding on my journey to come from faces that look like mine.  And by that I don't mean black.  I mean people who are open to encouraging good energy.  My real dream life would be surrounded by opportunities to try everything there is to try to earn a living and try every life to express my creativity.

My optimal life is to create and thrive while being my authentic self.  
