Discovering a new me

Art found on Pinterest
I've changed. 
I'm changing.
Every minute of the day I want to be different. I don't want to continue with familiar actions or habits that do not serve a better me; the most complete version of myself as I continue to grow and change. 
I want to talk how I wish to always represent myself. Not changing tones or annunciation depending on the crowd.
I want to dress fashionable at all times, no matter the occasion.
I want to love myself at every stage, in every phase.
I want to love myself into a transformation of my ultimate self. (Healthy weight, healthy lifestyle, healthy relationships, healthy communication)
I want to read everyday.
I want to have a healthy routine so that the outcome of that disciple is results that I deserve from the consistent work that I put in.
I want to be beautiful; inside and out.
I want to be respected because I am respectful.
I want to change so much that people who know me, completely understand that they must have a new relationship with me to fully understand that my appearance is just the visual representation of how I have completely changed overall.
I want to be in control of my energy and the energy I allow to influence me.
I want to project, not absorb energy.
I want to accept, forgive, and move on. (everyone will not like me, respect me, or want to experience me and that is ok)
I want to hear the Creator's guidance and act, not question.
I want unwavering faith.
