No Reasons

It feels as if I loved you for a million years or more.  
It feels as if my life has ended the day you walked out the door.
Had no idea you meant this much until you were actually gone.
Thought that we were doing fine, where did we go wrong?
My heart has the biggest whole and beats slower with everyday. 
No real reasons why you've disappeared, there was nothing that I could say. 
To beg for your forgiveness would just fuck with my pride.
But the love I have inside of me is something I just can't hide.
If you should ever see me cross your path one day, and I should have a smile and proceed to look away. Come close to see that my tears have left a permanent stain and until you return, the tracks of my tears will forever remain.
My light, my hope, my savior, and my love is exactly what you are
To live without your so called love is to live without a star.
