Manifested My Man

An honorable man, I prayed for one
Described his character to a "T" because I know the type of man I wanted & needed him to be.

When he speaks his words are true
When he makes moves his assurance comes through 
Because he uses his all he is morally to make decisions so his guidance is pure. 
Even if he's wrong, it's alright.
He stands on a firm foundation laid by introspection and a man of honor, honors what is right.
Because of his integrity I know that missteps are never done out of spite. 
He  honors my soul and the vows we made so I know that no matter what, we'll be alright.

A nurturing man, strong and sure.
His actions show me that I am his core.
My soul is at peace when his key hits the door.
Until thee end of time, it is only he that I adore.
