
Beat me, punch me, kick me, stab me, kill me if you choose.  
That's better than leaving me on this earth with a reputation abused.

Shoot me, burn me, hang me, send me to my grave.  
I'll rather dies than to live my life worded as a nigger slave.

Slash my wrists, cut my hair, give me nothing to wear.  
I'll rather die a miserable death than live my life with fear.

Cut my fingers off along with my tongue and I still don't think that would add up to all the pain you have bought.  Amputate my arms and legs, send them far away.  
Why would I want the option to go anywhere when I don't even want to stay?

Block me out, turn me away, forget I even exist.  
I would give up being acknowledged just for the chance to be dismissed.  

Cut me out the picture, burn the bitch if you will 
I would rather be a nobody than to go through life constantly running uphill.  

Numb me, gas me, fill me up with drugs, give me booze and fill me up with slugs.  

All I ask for is peace no matter long I have breath.  
But if peace is too much to ask for just give me good ole fashioned death.
