
When I think of you plenty of words come to mind like strong, intelligent, and Queens
Knowing where you have been and understanding some of  what you have seen
I picture long hair flowing, pined up with curls, cut close to the head, and a ponytail swept up carelessly but perfectly in place  
Beautiful strong women all blessed with the style and grace  
You make me think of the stories that I have heard about the way back days  
When women were forced to be anything but free and I look at you all and see what can be achieved 
Never was much of a big dreamer but I look at you all and believe that anything is possible 
Mentors is how I would describe you
I thank you everyday for being just as beautiful inside as you are out 
Thank you for building a bridge that the future can walk across
God has blessed you all with knowledge and the ability to create
I feel we all come through you, for you to teach us all what you know and what you've seen
No matter what you say to us, we'll take it all in and know that we may not understand now but it all will come together in time 
You are God's most masterful creation; angels with no wings.  
I thank you all for believing in your daughters, sons, theirs's, and we 
Thank you for helping me to believe in all things
Blessings are not just objects but come in abundance through human beings  
Without women none of us would be.
