
We never know how much time we will have but believe me when it's gone 
We will ponder about what we should've said yet we will find a way to move on.  

Every day I will try to find a way to show you that I care 
No matter how rough shit may get as your fiend, I will always be here.  

Through thick and thin from the beginning to the end I will never let you fall.  
In this world we will need each other, it is us against them all. 
A day will come that we will fuck-up and forget who are our real friends 
Believe me when I say this shit, your real friend is here; exactly where I stand.  

IT's hard to trust people nowadays.  
Shit is crazy as we struggle and try to find a way.  

Today or even tomorrow could be the last time well ever speak.
The bond we share is forever, unbreakable, our bond is concrete.
