Follow YOUR Yellow Brick Road.

The things that I am currently experiencing, on the right path, never feel like burdens. 
No negativity dwells in my space. 
Negative experiences have started to feel like life is just developing the superpowers that my Creator hand selected for me.  
They feel like opportunities to grow into who I am destined to be. 
I believe that this is the reward for following your calling.  
I believe that the whole world really conspires to help us, once we move forward with the intent of taping into our personal power and walking our personal path.  
However, whenever I've experienced any hardship on what felt like the wrong path; I was literally broken.  

On the wrong path, even good times are depressing.  
People that have chased superficial things and received them in abundance know that some curses look like blessings.

Playing an active role in my presence has been priceless. I've never felt more alive and grateful. 
I do feel like the universe conspired long ago and blessed me with a partner that believes in alchemy and reciprocity.  I believe in him well past what he sees in himself and I see that reflected in his eyes. Like we are well aware of who the other is supposed to be all while we are in search of our own personal legends.
I don't know what the future may hold but I do feel safe and secure that I am headed in the right direction, with the right partner & guide(s).

I do feel as if I will reach every goal to be a success in everything I am lead to do.  
I have accepted that I will write. 
I have accepted that I am a writer.  

I am in need of no accolades to be who I am or to do what I feel called to do.  I simply am a writer, it is my connection...
to thrive, I write.
When I am happy, I write.
When I am sad, I write 
When I am confused, I write.
When I need help, I write 
When I pray, I write.
When I curse, I write.
When I need to see, I write.
When I need to hear, I write.
When I need to learn, I write.
When I need to listen, I write.
When I need guidance, I write.
When I am hurt, I write.
To heal, I write.

Writing is the one thing that I have done since I can remember to help me navigate this lifetime.  Before I even recognized that a pen resting between my fingers calmed my soul, I wrote.
Writing is how I connect to the Creator. It is my connection to this lifetime and the next. Writing is my lifeline as well as my legacy.  It is how I give as well as How I receive. While touch is my love language, communication is the language of my soul. It's how I recognized my soulmate. Your soulmate will know how to communicate with the parts of you not many can see, at times not even you can see those parts of yourself.

Loved ones will never wonder about me because I will be all in the words I leave behind... Floating in fiction, poetry, short stories, journal entries, love letters, etc.

When my loved ones need to hear my voice, they can read my words and imagine my tone. They will be able to recall my sense of humor, my facial expressions 😏
When they need to feel my hugs, they will have blankets that I handmade, they can drape themselves in jewelry that I assembled. There will be pieces of my creations all around them, hopefully they find peace in the pieces of comfort I left behind.
I pray they are blessed for being guides along this journey.  
I pray we all are following our yellow brick roads. 
