Free Yourself

Art by: Nicholle Kobi

Why is it that no one cares about your journey until you have made it to your destination?  Why does the journey intrigue everyone (all colors, backgrounds, age groups... everyone) when you finally arrive?

You must know that some people have actually arrived, you just have yet to notice.  The appearance has yet to show up but they are there.  Your lack of vision to see this could be detrimental to your future because these people are in tune with the Creator.

But while you are in the thick of it?  No one cares and no one is concerned.  Your journey reminds them of their failures and they provide no encouragement to get you to the next phase.  How could they? They've never been where you are destined to go.  They discuss you amongst one another as if your dedication to yourself is a plague that will ruin your future.  They love you no doubt but act as if their love is for your good.

If you love someone?  Let them go.

Let go of your ideals for them.  The ideals you knowingly set for yourself but have lacked the courage to implement.  You've wrapped your dreams around their shoulders and have become offended that your cloak has been given back.  Some would rather freeze then wrap themselves in the warmth of another's expectations... to live a dream not meant for them.  To be fearful is NOT human nature until a human nurtures you with fear dressed up in love.  The comfort is addictive and most of us are hooked by the time have fully developed into adults that understand this process.

The levels of fear vary.  Fear to fail, afraid to succeed, scared to fly, fear of crashing, scared to swim, a fear of drowning, afraid to climb, frightened I'll fall.  Afraid to feel fear, nervous, uneasy, butterflies, bubble guts, afraid to be uncertain.

To be free, to really experience freedom, we must embrace fear and uncertainty.  To really enjoy life, we must have the courage to go after what I soul yearns for.  We must learn to liberate ourselves.

Reflection written: 11/14/2017
