Happy International Women's Day

Today is officially International Women's Day and I honestly would like to know, ladies, are you all tired?

I'm tired.  

Everything is a job, a chore, a task, an "opportunity" to be busy.  I remember when I first started working in an office setting, the first thing I was taught is that there is always something to do.  I have found that this is not only true in an office setting but it's literally the law for living.


Exercise, get dressed, look presentable, arrive on time, be productive, conclude on time, wash clothes, fold clothes, put the clothes away, wash dishes, dry dishes, put dishes away. Constantly clean up after yourself and others that you are responsible for.  Be engaging, polite, kind, nice, welcoming (sorry, all of this feels like one big ass task to me).  

I don't feel like talking, I don't feel like even typing "LOL" when we all know damn well that the last thing any of us are doing is LOL'ing at some dumb shit someone sent us after a long day.  Literally over it and my anxiety is tired as well...

How about we make International Women's Day an actual National Holiday?  I mean, everyone is here because of a woman so bless us with rest!  We need this day off with NO interruptions.

Shout out to the Nap Ministry!  I stand/rest with you and encourage women all over the world to embrace the rest movement.

