Self Reflection

When I walk into a room all eyes are on me.
Everyone whispers amongst themselves, "Who is she?" 
Women frown as men smile hopelessly from ear to ear and my confidence rises as everyone stares. 
I may not be the prettiest or have a Coca- Cola shape but what I do have is mysterious and far more great.  
I have wisdom within me that grew with everyday.  
I depend on my Creator and discernment to guide my way.  

Self pride, but not prissy some might say that this is my key but as others give their opinion, I reply, "This is just me."  

The pep in my step, the glare in my eyes, the way my lips curl, every time that I smile.  
My sunny disposition the way my smile brightens ones day.  And yes, I feel good as they all at once say...

What is it about her that makes her seem so fine?  
I would reply it's the culture of my mind. 
My thoughts come through as the mystery in my eyes.  
This is my perspective of self, this is my inner drive.  
The arch in my fingers, also in my back.  
The way I rise in the morning with gratitude because my skin is black!  

The way I love myself unconditionally, some might say that's my key.  
But the answer is clear, just as simple as can be... 
This is just me.
