Sister's, Stop It!

Queen Linden by Ryan Pancoast
Stop fighting with one another over men
Stop trying to out do the next female just because you want "her" man
Stop getting around dudes tearing other females down.
Stop thinking that after you're done he won't look at you like a clown.
Stop hating on the next woman just because she does not live up to your standards
Stop thinking that she's not a catch just because she has love handles.
Stop comparing yourself to what you all have labeled as a "bad bitch"
Stop reconstructing your original design and take time to appreciate all you were born with.
Stop thinking that wealth will end the war inside.
Stop allowing society to tear down your pride.
Stop ignoring your intuition, you know we all are Queens.
Stop accepting the bare minimum, you know exactly what you need.
Stop waiting for him to change, either he will or he won't
Stop believing that you will never find another love if he don't
Stop caring how others view you, this is your life don't you see?
Stop absorbing others energy, yours is dope, project and live free.
Stop wasting time not believing you have a planned destiny.
Stop not trusting yourself, listen to your internal whispers and have faith that they are the guide on the path you are meant to be...
