Weight Loss Check-In | March 1, 2023

It's a new month! 

March is always an exciting month for me; full of preparation and aligning myself for the beginning of a new season.  In my blog post titled, "I Decided", I spoke of documenting my lifestyle journey of losing over 100 pounds.  Today, March 1, is the day that I officially "Check-in" and give you all a progress report.  SO, here it goes!

Started Wednesday, November 30, 2022 weighing in at 273.6
Today, Wednesday, March 1, 2023 I am weighing in at 263.5 resulting in a 10 pound & 1 ounce loss thus far.  The old me would be disappointed.  Now, I just realize that progress is progress and the goal is to stay consistent.  However, I do want to be more aggressive over the next 30 days and push myself to drop 18.5.

So, what have I been doing?  Honestly, not as much as I know I could do.  I have been eating less and moving more. I have been eating smaller portions, I have been eating more fruits and vegetables and I have cut back on "mindless eating".  While I have not added working out to my plan just yet, I have been moving more.  I make sure I take breaks from my computer and do things that I need to do like wash dishes, fold clothes, clean a room, sweep, mop, organize a closet... Just do stuff that I would normally put off until I "HAD" to do it.  However, for the month of March I want to make sweating daily a priority.

I also attempted to stay aware of what sort of fuel that my body needs and honestly, I have been keeping the Weigh Down Workshop (WDW) principles and concept alive because they make sense to me. (I know, I still need to update you all on what I thought about the documentary.)   It's a lot to unpack and I want to be transparent about my feelings while being empathetic to others experience of the WDW lifestyle lead by Gwen Shamblin and other leaders.

In the meantime, I want to take a moment to cheer for myself on losing 10.1 pounds in 91 days.  While it is not a lot, it is a start.  The next 31 days I will be more intentional with a goal to weigh in at 245 <18.5> by March 31, 2023

