Let's Talk About It: Life After COVID

March 2023 is officially over, and during the month of March we came up on the third anniversary of the global shutdown. Three years ago, everything that we knew changed.
How are you?
How is your family?
How have you been coping?

I don't know about yawl, but I'm still trying to find my way through all of this.  I am having a hard time "getting back to normal." I didn't like how things were before the world stopped, so I definitely don't support going back to that way of living. 
In my opinion, if you didn't think "Make America Great Again" was a good slogan, then why in the fuck would you advocate for any of us to "get back to normal."  No thank you. 

Everything could use a rebranding if you ask me.
People died, families have been forever changed, some kids lost both parents, some parents lost children, we all lived virtually for a couple of  YEARS!  There was no room for wants; we were able to get our needs met but if your wants couldn't be delivered by Amazon then, 🤷🏿‍♀️ oh well.

Fast forward to April 2023, and its traffic outside, people are preparing for Easter celebrations, the crime rate is at an all-time high, and mass shootings are becoming like a normal news update. 
Fuck tension; the rage is so thick you can cut it with a knife. If you're not careful, you will be the one getting cut.

Either way, there was no transition to "getting back to normal". The same way we were thrown into solitude is the same way we were thrown back into the world.  The shutdown was way more organized than this open-gate policy we have going on right now.  
The invitation to go back outside is like getting invited to a buffet, but they only have enough food for 20 plates.  We are all in a trick bag!

Anyway, the show must go on, right?  I still want to know, how are you?
How is your family?
How have you been coping?
