Scandalous | THE INTRO...


Art by: Stina Aleah


After years of playing games, her shady past caught up with her.  Sitting before her with his head in his hands, he looked up slowly with eyes filled with a dangerous mixture of disappointment and disdain.  The woman he thought he knew was no longer in front of him.  Vincent took a long deep breath before looking her into her eyes.  As their eyes met, a tear fell slowly from his.  Instead of looking away to hide his pain, he continued to look through her. Barely blinking and without words; she knew.


Nyla loved Vincent but was so used to being adored that one second without his attention sent her on a quest to find excitement.  Never considering the weight of her actions she let another man lead her into a world where even her mind could not create.  Every encounter with him was like a new journey into a world she could not escape.  As Vincent sat holding the letters and pictures, that she thought she hid so well, she knew she would have to explain.  Her confidence in herself would not allow her to believe she could not work her magic to get him to understand whatever lie she was about to tell.  Her mind quickly raced thinking of everything that he could have seen and what explanation could be given to justify it all.  Nyla sat there, hands folded in her lap thinking, “How am I going to get out of this one?”  


They both had so many thoughts running through their heads but neither dared to speak, they had no idea where to begin.  Nyla could not watch another tear fall from his eyes.  The sight of seeing Vincent so hurt was breaking her down inside; she had to stop his tears because seeing him so hurt compromised her strength.  As she reached to wipe the tears from Vincent’s face, without thinking he lunged toward her, his hands around her neck with the same blank look on his face that he had for the past 30 minutes.  He saw her mouth moving but rage would not allow him to hear any of her words, as well as allow them to register.  Before he knew it, she was no longer mouthing words and her body was just as limp and still as his soul.  

To read chapter one, part one, click here.               

