Walking Backward

Decided to go backward. To walk in reverse when it comes to certain aspects of my life because some essential parts of myself are not natural to me. 
For example, I have yet to explore religion but, I am very grounded in my faith. I have yet to apply my knowledge in any particular field.  I have yet to explore all possibilities, so I can confidently say I am grounded in my perspective. 

The person I have been had been curated by people who just wanted me to be able to survive.  People who do not fully know themselves or know what it means to thrive.

My focus now, moving forward? My focus is thriving.

Because I am focused on thriving, I believe walking backward is important.  It's time to parent myself. Nurture me by allowing my internal compass to guide me.  Intuition...

Trust the universe will answer when I ask questions like, "What is my purpose? 
Why am I here? 
What knowledge and tools are needed on MY journey? How am I to be of service? 
How can I correctly use the tools that my Creator has blessed me with to curate a life of continuous gratitude? 

I want to feel blessed for the ability to experience my journey.  I want to experience constant gratitude for ALL moments, good and bad.

Had I known to ask these questions during my personal development years (8 - 16), I could have been centered on my path.  However, faith tells me that the middle ground (where I am currently) is the perfect time to walk backward. 

Moving forward will be the most impactful steps I've ever taken. THIS is my opportunity to use all the ingredients I've been blessed with to bake the perfect cake.  Like baking, this will require that I understand the importance of the ingredients I have been given. 
I look forward to playing a role in my evolution.

I am thankful for the opportunity to create the ultimate version of myself.
