Scandalous | CHAPTER ONE | Part 2

To read THE INTRO, click here.

To read the first part of CHAPTER ONE, click here.

Part 2 of 3

The line was long, and all Nyla could think about is what Blake had just said, and oddly enough Vincent was also thinking about what Blake had said to him.  Blake used words like nice, sweet, understanding, good-hearted, and a good girl to describe Nyla.  Vincent was not sure, but he thought he sensed a hint of love lost on the other end of the line.  Blake didn’t mention it, nor did he object to Vincent dating her so there he stood staring at Nyla trying to figure out his next move. 
Nyla’s thoughts were beginning to give her a headache, so she decided to break the silence. 
“So, am I supposed to meet you at your house after I get dressed or do you wanna pick me up?” 
Vincent was looking right at her mouth but did not hear a word.  She tilted her head slightly to the right and said, “Answer me please.” 
He snapped out of his thoughts only to ask, “What did you say?”
“I asked you how we were meeting up because I have to get dressed.” 
“Well, I think I should pick you up being as though it is our first date.”  Nyla laughed but loved that he called it a “first date” it had been so long since she had been on one.
At the car, she wrote down her number and said that she would give him the address when he called to say he was on his way.  As he turned to walk away, Nyla shouted.  “I need your number!” 
Vincent turned and asked, “Why?” 
Nyla smiled at him, “Just in case I change my mind.”  He laughed, gave her his number, and told her he would be there around 4 to pick her up.  He then opened the door to her Jeep, helped her in, and closed the door for her.  Although none of that was special it was a long time since someone showed Nyla that much attention, she thought that she was dreaming, and she could not wait to see him again.
As soon as Nyla hit the door her home phone rang.  Attempting to get to the phone she tripped on a pair of shoes that she had kicked off when changing shoes on her way out.  Catching her balance, she landed on the couch and picked up the phone all in one swoop.
“Chello,” she said. 
“Are you alone?”  It was Blake.  Nyla knew that somehow; he would find a way to talk to her before she made it to the barbecue.
 “Yes! What do you want?  I need to get dressed.”
“Open the door.”
“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be helping Angel?”
“Mia and Elle came through to help out so she said I could go to the store and get more ice.”
“Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Get the ice fool!?”
“No! Open the damn door, it’s hot!”
Nyla slid the chain on and opened the door; he could see her eyes but wanted to touch her before Vincent came.  He wanted her to feel him one more time before she let another man into her life.  He did not want her to fall for Vincent and he thought just one more time to make love to her she would see things his way.  What Blake didn’t know is that Nyla never saw what they did as making love; he was always a substitute until the perfect man came along.  And not even a good substitute because they had hidden what they were sharing from everyone else.  No one else knew that he loved her, except for him.  No one else knew that she was satisfied playing house with him until her Prince came along, except for her.  Neither of them knew how the other truly felt.
“Nyla let me in please,” Blake said as gently as he could. 
“No Blake!  Vincent will be here at 4 sharp and I still need to shower, curl my hair, and get dressed. You know how long I take so I don’t have time for whatever drama you’re bringing over here!” 
Blake wanted to break down the door and shake some sense into her but instead, he put his head on the door frame, closed his eyes, and whispered, “I just want a hug.  I miss you so much.  This might be the last time I get to come in and hug you before you’re married with kids.”
Nyla rolled her eyes and thought to herself that there was no way that she was letting his ass in.  She told him, “I will give you a hug at the barbecue.”  Slammed the door, walked upstairs, and cut the shower on to drown out the sound of the ringing phone.  She had only given Vincent the cell number, so she was sure that Blake was calling her home line.  She checked the clock and saw that it was 2:30, normally she would take 2 hours to get ready but today she had to speed it up and remain cool.  The thought of being nervous made her stomach ache.
Her cell phone rang with one of those rings when you know it’s the person you wanted to speak to all day.  Her heart was racing but her voice was steady and smooth, “Hello.”
“Nyla, it’s me, Vincent.  Can I have those directions now or did you change your mind?”
“No, I didn’t change my mind.”  She gave him the address and asked, “How long do you think it will take for you to get here?”  He laughed as he looked at the address he just wrote down and said, “About 5 minutes; you live around the corner from me.” 
She blushed, slightly embarrassed because she had yet to curl her hair.  She looked at the clock and it said 3:45. “Well I hate to ask this, but can you get here at 4 so I can be ready?” 
Vincent knew women moved slowly, so he agreed to 4:15 and told her that she better be ready.  They both laughed and hung up.
Nyla raced around the house trying to find her ceramic irons.  She knew she had them in the morning but could not recall where she had put them.  As she stood in one spot trying to recall, she glanced at the clock, and it was 3:50. “SHIT!” She yelled, and then she saw the plug peeping out from a pile of clothes she had thrown on the bed.  Since it only took her irons seconds to heat, by 3:57 Nyla had a head full of curls.  She slid into her new white jeans, threw on her black and white halter top, and slid on her black wedges.  Some lip-gloss, mascara and final styling to her hair and she was ready at 4:10.  She had enough time to change her purse; just as she threw the last item in her black and white coach bag, she heard a light knock at the door.  The sound was so reminiscent of Blake’s knock earlier that she just assumed it was him.  Without looking at the clock she grabbed her purse, cut out the light, headed downstairs, swung the door open, and just before she could get the curse words out, she saw Vincent standing in front of her smiling and smelling nice.
“Expecting someone?”  Vincent asked, a little curious about how she would answer.
“No, I was ready and waiting for you!” 
Vincent looked at his watch and said, “Well, I am on time. So, you were not waiting at all.” 
Nyla smiled because he was right, but she did not want him to ask her any more questions, so she grabbed her keys off of the table and said, “Let’s go then.”  As she turned to lock the door Vincent stood back to admire the jeans he had purchased for her. He never even noticed what a nice shape she had, and her skin was flawless.  Her hair was just above the middle of her back and the curls were like waved water.  “Your hair is nice, did you do it?” he asked.    
“Yes, thank you.”
“You do hair?”
“Just my own and my girl's.”  Nyla was very confident now; he liked her hair.  She spent all of 5 minutes on it but still he noticed.  Most guys she went out with would not notice her hair after a 2-hour blow-dry and curl.
The drive to Angel’s was not long at all.  She lived 15 minutes from them both.  As they pulled up Nyla could see Blake sitting on the front porch pretending as if he were engaged in conversation with some of the guests.  Needless to say, Blake's conversation ended as soon as they walked toward the driveway. 
“Hey!” Blake shouted as he walked toward Vincent and Nyla. 
“What’s up?” Vincent said smiling from ear to ear. 
“Hey,” Nyla mumbled as she looked at Blake like he said something wrong.
Blake then leaned in to shake Vincent’s hand and then leaned into Nyla for a hug.  As she tried to give him a quick hug, she realized that Blake was holding her tightly in his chest and Vincent was looking at them as if he were daydreaming.  She pushed Blake off her and laughed, “He is silly!  But I guess you know that since he’s your friend.”  Nyla then took Vincent by the hand and said, “I’m going to check with Angel to make sure everything is cool.  When I am done, I will come and get you so you can meet her.”
“Great!” Vincent said.  “But in the meantime, can I fix a plate?”
Nyla turned to him and said, “I will get it. What would you like on it?”  Vincent was so stunned by the question that he had no answer.  It had been so long since a nice-looking black woman offer him anything other than to take her out.  “I will wait until you get back because I am not sure right now.”  They both smiled at each other, and he watched as she walked away, as did Blake.
Angel had just finished putting her lip gloss on and checked her hair one last time before leaving the bathroom.  She opened the bathroom door only to find Nyla standing in front of it waiting on her.  “What’s going on Miss Nyla?” Angel said jokingly.
“Nothing much, I want you to meet Vincent; he is out front talking to Blake.”
“I have to put my shoes on.”
“Well hurry up because only God knows what Blake could be telling him.”
Angel acted as if she did not hear what Nyla just said, but she did.  Although none of them openly discussed it, everyone in their circle of friends assumed something was going on with Blake and Nyla.  Too many outings missed at the same time, too much touching when in each other’s company.  Blake was cool, they had all been friends with him but the friendship that he and Nyla had built had become stronger than the ones she had with her girlfriends.  Although they had known each other longer it was a weird bond, they even got pedicures together and no one could explain that one.  Angel slipped her shoes on, turned to Nyla, and said, “Lead the way!”
“Vincent, this is Angel.  Angel, this is Vincent.”  Nyla said proudly.  Angel looked him up and down long enough to get a full view of him, but fast enough so he would not notice.  She gave Nyla an approving wink and said, “Nice to meet you.” 
Just as Angel was about to ask Vincent some background information Mia and Elle pulled up with the radio louder than the D.J. that was playing tunes in the backyard.  Angel shook her head and said to Vincent, “You are about to meet the other half of our entourage.  Mia is the one on the passenger side running her mouth.  And Elle is the driver of course.  The party has officially started!”   
Nyla had no words to prepare Vincent for her friends; she knew that once they were introduced to Vincent, she would know everything but his social security number.  That is if Mia was in a good mood and from the looks of it, she was. 
Nyla met Mia in high school, 10th grade to be exact, and Elle from previous employment seven years ago.  But Mia and Elle hit it off when they were introduced and spent practically all their free time together.
“HEY LADIES!” Mia yelled as she walked toward them.  “Who got the fine dark man with them tonight?”  Nyla blushed. 
“It’s Nyla!” Elle chimed in.  “She over there blushing.  Who’s your friend?”
Nyla took Vincent by the hand and introduced him to them both. 
“How did you two meet?”  Mia asked.  Nyla started to answer but Mia shot her a look that let her know that the question was not intended for her. 
Vincent looked around and said, “Are you asking me?” 
Without batting an eye Mia looked straight into his and said, “I was looking at you, wasn’t I?” 
As Vincent tried to get his next sentence together, they all burst into laughter.  Mia was in tears. They liked to tease people all the time and by the looks of it, it worked.  Vincent was a good sport and didn’t let it affect him so that gave him instant points with Nyla’s friends.  As she sat back and watched them all talking and accepting Vincent, she couldn’t help but hope that he was the one.
“Let’s go in the back.”  Angel said, knowing that any moment her neighbors would be out their windows listening to them talk on the front lawn.  Mia and Elle were probing Vincent for all the 411.  They were asking him everything from where he had grew up to his parents names.  He was so calm and accepting of the questions and let them know that he would not answer anything he felt he should discuss with Nyla first.  With that statement, he was in with her demanding girlfriends, and he knew it. 
“Can he eat now?” Nyla asked the girls as she slipped two plates in front of Vincent. 
“DAMN!”  Mia and Elle said at once. 
“He is not that big!  Why did you give him all that food?”  Elle wasn’t big on wasting food, so an answer was needed.
Nyla looked straight into Vincent eyes while answering her friends, “So he can choose what he wants.”  Vincent was impressed yet again, smiled back at her and said, “Thank you.”
Blake walked over and sat down next to Vincent just as Nyla was asking him if he would like something to drink.  “A beer, thanks!” Vincent said. 
“Make that two!” Blake shouted as Nyla walked away.  She pretended not to hear him and if she had known that he was about to follow her she may have acknowledged his request.
As Nyla entered the kitchen, she could feel someone behind her.  She turned only to find Blake pulling her into the nearest bedroom and closing the door.  With her back pinned to the door Blake began to kiss her on her neck.  “Stop it,” Nyla said gently.  She did not want anyone to know that they were in the room so she knew she could not scream at him, although she wanted to.  “Blake, look at me.”  Blake looked Nyla right in her eyes and waited for her to say anything other than let her go.  The one thing that he knew he couldn’t do. 
“We have to leave this room, I will talk to you later, but we have to leave this room, and no one can know we were in here together.  How do you expect we do that?”
“Nyla, I want to walk out of this room together.  I want everyone to know that I love you.  I want us to be together.  I wish it didn’t take me seeing you with someone I know to realize this, but it did and before you get too close to him I want it to stop.”
“Why are you so sure that we will get so close?”
“Because he is a good dude and you’re a good woman.  Not to mention you two are really feeling each other right now.  I am not stupid; I know where this could lead.”
Nyla stood there thinking of a nice way to say what she was thinking and before she knew it the words were coming out faster than she had hoped. “I am not in love with you Blake.  I like Vincent and want to date him.  I need to know if what I feel for him is worth taking a chance and I can’t do that if you are in the way.  Let me go.  Please, just let me go.” 
Blake could not deny her what she was asking although it hurt him to the core.  He knew the type of woman Nyla was, although she was good, she had never been faithful so he would wait and maybe they would be back together.  Blake took his hands off the door, took a few steps back and said, “Go.” 
As Nyla opened the door, Elle was in the fridge looking for a beer.  As she turned to ask Angel had she seen Nyla, she spotted her easing out of the bedroom.  “What your sneaky tail doing?!”  Elle yelled enough to scare Nyla and Angel. 
Nyla jumped and almost hit her head on the door as she closed it, “Nothing.” She said nervously.  “Why were you in there with all the lights out?”  Elle asked trying to get to the bottom of this.  Before Nyla could get an answer out Elle continued, “Your man is looking for you and his beer, so I suggest you get to it.” 
“Yes Ma’am.” Nyla said as she took the beer out of Elle’s hand and walked back outside to sit with Vincent.
Angel and Elle stood there giving each other one of those looks as if they knew Nyla was lying.  Angel was about to let it pass but she knew Elle had to find out what was going on.  Elle started to turn the doorknob slowly but it stopped only halfway.  She reached her hand in to flip the light switch when she felt someone stop her hand.  “Who is in there?  Angel, someone is in your room!”   
“It’s only me.”
“Blake?  Is that you?”  Elle and Angel asked simultaneously.
“Why are you in there with no lights on and why was Nyla in there with you?”  Elle asked, looking at Angel like she knew Blake was about to tell her some B/S.
“I am having some girl issues and Nyla tried to get me to cheer up.”
“You were all cheered up a moment ago.  You wanted a beer and all, and who were you dating?  A mystery chick?”  Elle now had her foot in the door with her hands on her hips.
Angel stood in silence wondering how Blake was going to get out of this one.  Angel figured he and Nyla had something going on but Elle, on the other hand, was not satisfied until someone confessed, or she saw it with her own two eyes.
Blake sat on the other side of the door wanting to give Elle the honest answers to her questions, but he loved Nyla way too much to betray her.  “It was a girl I met a few months back, but I didn’t tell anyone but Nyla because you ask too many damn questions.”  Angel let out a snicker and Elle shot her a look that could stop a child in their tracks.
Elle could feel in her bones that Blake was lying but she was not going to waste another moment on being a detective on Nyla and Blake’s mysterious friendship.  “Yeah, whatever Blake!  You need to get up and have fun, if she wasn’t important enough to tell us all about, her ass wasn’t important.  Let it go!”
Blake rolled his eyes to hear those words again so soon.  He knew that Elle was right, Nyla was right, everyone was right.  As he looked out the window into the backyard, he watched Nyla and Vincent enjoying each other and in that moment, he let her go…. for now.

To Be Continued
