Scandalous | CHAPTER ONE | Part 3

To read THE INTRO, click here.
To read the first part of CHAPTER ONE, click here.
To read the second part of CHAPTER ONE, click here.

Part 3 of 3

Before picking Nyla up for the barbecue, 10 o’clock was the time that Vincent had decided that they would leave to spend some more time with her alone.   As she danced her way back from the DJ table, he watched her and felt so sure that they would become more than friends.  Nyla pulled Vincent from his chair and began to dance with him.  “Too many drinks?” Vincent asked as he held her waist and two-stepped.

“Nope, I feel just fine.”

“I was thinking that we could leave now so we can talk and get to know each other a little better.”

“I would like that.”  Nyla looked into Vincent’s eyes and smiled.  “Let’s go say our goodbyes now then.”

Vincent grabbed her hand and said, “Lead the way my lady.”

As they danced their way through the crowd to find Angel, they bumped into Blake.  “See you later man, I will call you tomorrow,” Vincent said as Nyla pulled him through the crowd.  Blake nodded to acknowledge he heard him and kept dancing with a random attractive woman who was in attendance. 

Angel was in the kitchen cleaning with Mia and Elle watching Nyla and Vincent coming their way.  “They look so cute together,” Angel said as she stood in the kitchen window washing the dishes.

“Who?  Mia said as she stood next to Angel drying the dishes. “Nyla and Vee?”

Elle who was putting food in the fridge popped her head up, “You gave him a nickname already?! I like it though. But how are they going to hook up with Blake trying to block?”

“What!” Mia yelled waiting for someone to fill her in, just as Angel opened her mouth to clean up what Elle had just said the door opened.  “SEE Y’ALL!” Nyla yelled as the door swung open.  “Where are you going?” Mia asked. 

“Vincent and I are going to go for a drive and get to know one another before I head home.”

“Alright then Vincent, it was nice to meet you and we hope to see you again,” Elle said.

Mia nodded and smiled to let them know she agreed. 

“Thank you for coming Vincent,” Angel said as she dried her hands before giving them both a hug.  “Nyla, don’t forget to call me when you make it home safely.” 

“I will do that for sure.”


As they drove with no place to go, Nyla stared out the window thinking about what would happen next. She had already decided against sleeping with Vincent on their first date but she looked forward to having their first kiss.  Just as Vincent parted his lips to begin a conversation his cell phone rang.  He took the phone out of his shirt pocket and said aloud, “I wonder what Blake wants.” 

As Vincent went to flip the phone Nyla’s heart began racing, her head was spinning, and she could not catch her breath.  What could Blake possibly want with Vincent after all the stunts he pulled tonight?  She dreaded what he could say and as she snapped out of her thoughts, she looked over to see Vincent’s face was hard and cold.  He looked over at her and said, “Is that right?  I will talk to her about it when I take her home.”

With that statement, Nyla knew what Blake had said.  By the look in Vincent’s eyes, she knew that what they had was over just as it was beginning.  Vincent put the phone back in his shirt pocket and took a long deep sigh.  He pulled the car over on a street that was not too far from Angel’s house, turned the radio down, looked Nyla in her eyes and asked calmly, “Is there something you want to tell me?”  As Nyla tried to think of a come back she just sat there looking blankly out of the window thinking of how she was going to kill Blake the next time she saw him.

Vincent could feel that Nyla was confused by the question and could tell by her disposition that she was racking her brain to come up with an answer.  “Blake just told me that he thought you had a bit too much to drink and that I should take you home.  What do you have to say about that?”  Without thinking Nyla burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face and silently thanked Jesus.  Although Vincent was amused that she thought this was all too funny, he was now convinced that Blake was right and proceeded to take Nyla home. 

When Nyla noticed that they were headed toward her house she stopped laughing.  “Why are you taking me home?”

“I don’t want you to be under any influence the first time we spend time together.”

Nyla showed she was flattered.  “I am not drunk or influenced by anything.  Why don’t you come in so we can talk more?” 

Vincent was relieved that Blake was wrong because he had no plans of ending this date so soon without knowing more about her.

Their talk seemed to last forever, so much time had gone by that the sun had come up.  Then and only then did they realize that they had enjoyed each other’s company so much that they had lost track of time.  It was then, on this summer morning, that they both knew they had fallen in love.

Chapter 2
