Scandalous | CHAPTER TWO continued...

To read the INTRO, click here.

To read the first part of CHAPTER ONE, click here

To read the second part of CHAPTER ONE, click here.

To read the final part of CHAPTER ONE, click here.

To read the first part of CHAPTER TWO, click here.



“Well as you know Blake and I used to ride together to work.  Well, on November 25, 2001, yes, my birthday, not only was it freezing outside but it was raining hard, and Blake was picking me up to go to work.  Instead of hearing the quick beep of his horn on this day, he chooses to ring the doorbell.  There he stood holding 21 balloons, 2 long-stem roses and one small round cake with a card taped to the top of the box.” 

“Awww, that was sweet!” Angel interrupted.

Nyla rolled her eyes and continued, “I was so excited that I grabbed Blake by his collar to pull him in out of the rain, and then I grabbed all the gifts out of his hand and placed them on the sofa table.  I read the card first and you should have seen my face. this was one of the most beautiful cards that I have ever read.  It mentioned friendship, loyalty, love and some more stuff.  Even though I knew I didn’t want a relationship with Blake of all people, the card was impressive and just as I was about to say thank you Blake kissed me.  It was a kiss that I could not run or hide from.  You know I was in a drought at that time and that kiss made me forget who Blake was and before I knew it we were having some of the best sex I ever had.”

“WHAT?!” Angel yelled on the other end.  “So good your ass been keeping it a secret - ummm, mmmm!  What happened next?”  Attempting not to sound too judgmental, Angel was now poised at her desk with her arms folded while her shoulder propped up the phone.

“Well, we both called off of work and spent the rest of the day and night together.”

Angel could recall them both missing on Nyla’s birthday and Nyla told the girls that she would rather be alone and that she wanted to celebrate with them on the weekend. Although it all seemed suspicious at the time no one would have imagined this.  This was too juicy to be true!  All Angel could think of now was that she was sworn to secrecy and could not wait until someone else put this shit together.  The way Elle and Mia were figuring this out she knew it would be a matter of time before this hit the fan.

Nyla had many more stories that ended up with her and Blake sleeping together, spending the night a one another’s homes, and going out.  They were having a relationship without admitting it.  This information was all too much to grasp but Angel was doing well with digesting it all.


Two hours later Nyla had yet to get to the end of this tale, but Angel had to attend to customers waiting for her.  Nyla didn’t want to get off the phone without Angel commenting on all that she had shared but she knew that Angel was in sales so to waste her time was like wasting money.  Angel told Nyla she would call her during her lunch hour and Nyla informed Angel was having lunch with Vincent around 1 p.m.  Just as Angel was about to ask Nyla if she was going to tell Vincent, Nyla said “I don’t want Vincent to know until I tell him.  ‘IF’ I ever tell him.” 

Angel sighed and thought to herself that Nyla had made a mess, but there were still more questions. 

The phones were begging to ring with angry callers so she just said, “I will call you tonight, Okay?”

“Alright,” Nyla said and hung up the phone and sighed with relief.

Nyla went to the bathroom to check on her makeup before she met Vincent downstairs in the cafeteria.  On her way down she bumped into Chris Harris.  Chris was the only black male who was a partner at the law firm where Nyla had worked.  He also lived next door to Nyla which made her feel very uncomfortable every time she saw him in the office.  Chris was a nice guy, laid back and down to earth.  He was married with two children, an adorable boy and girl.  His life always seemed so perfect until he opened his mouth.  “How are you doing today, Nyla?” 

Before she could answer Chris was looking at her up and down as if he could see through her dress.  His look was so uncomfortable that Nyla took her purse and covered her vagina. “So where are you off to looking so nice?” 

“Hello Chris,” Nyla said shyly.  “I have a lunch date with a friend.” 

Chris looked up from her breast into her eyes with a devilish smirk and asked, “With the guy who spent the night on Saturday or the guy who’s always around and seemed upset Sunday morning?” 

Nyla’s face was flushed, her hands began to shake, and she did not know if she was mad or just embarrassed.  Before she could formulate the words to kindly tell him that neither situation was any of his business; Chris said, “I guess we will see.  I am rooting for neither.  If you ever want to get to know me better, call me.”  Just as Nyla was going to remind Chris about his wife, he had slipped his business card into her hand as if he were giving her a handshake and a slight hug.  Before she knew it Nyla was standing alone asking herself, “What the hell just happened?”


Vincent had made it to the cafeteria early.  He took the liberty of ordering for Nyla and picked a table not too far from the door so she could see him as soon as she walked in.  It was now 1:05 and she was late.  Although this bothered Vincent, he still had enough time to grab some napkins, just as he was about to place the napkins down Nyla walked in looking beautiful.  Their eyes met and without looking at anyone else Nyla made a beeline to the table.

“You ordered for me?”  Nyla asked with a slight giggle.  “How did you know what I wanted?”

“Because after the barbecue you had mentioned that you ate too much and wanted a salad Monday at work.  I remembered and got that for you, however, I was not sure what type of dressing you wanted so I got them to put every option on the side.”

Nyla scanned the table and saw packs of dressing lined up in front of her salad and said, “You’ve got it all figured it.”  

Vincent smiled.  Not agreeing or disagreeing he was just glad she noticed he was trying.


Just as Nyla and Vincent began to wrap up lunch Chris had entered the lunchroom alone.  He noticed Nyla and began to walk over.  Nyla was not sure if this should make her uncomfortable so as he approached, she pointed him out to Vincent and informed him that it was her neighbor as well as the only black partner at the firm.  Vincent seemed very impressed and asked, “So are you and this guy friends?”  Nyla shook her head no and told Vincent about Chris’ wife and how she never let single black women near her husband.  “He seems to be a nice guy, but his wife makes sure that you never really know.”  Just as Nyla finished her briefing on Chris, it seemed as though he were walking up to them but instead, he was headed to a lunch date he had with several people wearing suits 2 tables away from theirs.  Nyla was relieved but knew that was not the last time she would have to worry about Chis.  With his card in her clutch, she knew that life was about to take a few turns that she was not prepared to take.  She walked Vincent to the lobby of her building; they hugged and went their separate ways.  Back at her desk Nyla looked out the window and finally admitted that she was into Vincent and made dating him her number one priority.  Just as she was about to enter into a deep thought about the next time, she was going to see him, next the phone rang.

“Hey, girl!  What’s going on?”  It was Mia, as soon as Nyla heard her voice, she couldn’t help but wonder if Angel shared her secret.

“Nothing much just came from lunch with Vincent,” Nyla said smiling while thinking about the nice time they had just had.

“That’s why I am calling.  How did it go Saturday?  You never called to let me know you got home.”

“I was supposed to call you too?”

“YES!”  Mia yelled matter-of-factly.

“My bad, we had a great time.  Talked until the next morning.”

“Y’all just talked?”

“Yes, we just talked.  Some people actually like to talk.”

“Yeah, whatever, get to the juicy stuff.  Did you at least kiss him?”

“Not a French kiss yet,”  Nyla said with a half smile.

“You’re being a good girl!  It has been almost seven years since you had some so, I guess the slower you take it the better.”  Although Mia assumed Blake had been relieving that itch for some time she decided to play along with the “secret” just as long as they could. 

It was then that Nyla knew Angel had not told anyone.  It still felt weird to have such a huge secret between her closest girlfriends, but she was not ready to tell Mia or Elle.  She knew that they were not ready to hear the truth although Nyla knew they suspected something between her and Blake.  They would have never guessed how far it went.


As soon as Angel got home from work, she rang Nyla on her cell.  The phone got to its third ring and Angel began to panic because she wanted to hear the rest, she needed to hear the rest.  Just before the voice service picked up Nyla answered, “What’s up?”

“I just got home, and all settled in so you can finish catching me up on all the dirt you have been doing.” 

“Where did I leave off?  There is not much else to tell, we had sex consistently until I met Vincent.  You all know how we hang out; go to the movies together, and things of that nature…. The only thing that I never mentioned is that we slept together after all of those outings.”

“So how does he feel about you dating Vincent, his friend?”

“He does not like it, but I like Vincent and Blake and I could never be together.”

“Why not?”  Angel curiously asked.

“What do you mean?  He is not my type.”

“Well, we all thought something was going on between you two for some time now.  If he is your best friend, you can laugh with him, hang out with him, and still come home and have sex with him then why wouldn’t you consider him to be someone you can be with?”

Both friends sat holding the phone.  Angel was waiting for Nyla to answer her while Nyla pondered the question.  She had never thought of it like that, she always assumed her dating Blake would be an issue with the girls.  Now hearing one of her closest friends embrace the idea confused Nyla.  Maybe she had loved Blake after all, she sat there unsure of everything thing but knew one thing for sure….

“Well, what do you think of that?”  Angel asked interrupting Nyla’s thoughts.

“I don’t know, but I sure do miss him.”
