thinking... about love

Just thinking about love...

Thinking about relationships and how society has all these stipulations about relationships. 
I've been examining betrayal and why we define it the way we do.
Why is it a major offense for one lover to share that love with another?
Why does that action bring up so many raw feelings?
Did we learn this response or is it natural? 🤔🧐

I believe it is natural. I've felt the feelings, experienced the pain, grown from the side effects of heartbreak and learned that real love never feels betrayed. In my experience, real love felt disappointed, and disgusted, like the devotion that came naturally to me could never be reciprocated.
However, as I grew I began to feel different about it. I know what true love feels like and if I have one ounce of fear, one thought to not share it because I don't want to expose myself to the pain then I lose.
I lose me. 

The only way to keep myself is to have the courage to be myself. 
I love. I am love. I decide the ways that I express that love with each individual that I share time and space with. Everyone feels special in my presence because I exude what I am, love.
I have only one true love, the one I've chosen to share all forms of love with.  Made vows to pour love into my partner, selflessly. The only one who has ever experienced all the facets of my love through full transparency. 
The only one who could teach me this level of love through the ultimate act of love, forgiveness. 
Because of my one true love, I've felt the power of forgiving and accepting what love really is. 

Love is not a demand of loyalty, a token you can give and take away when wronged, love does not fade amid troubled times. Love does persist in spite of...
But that does not mean that you have to give your love to anyone. Nor does it mean that you have to show love to everyone. 
It means that it is ok to allow others to miss out on experiencing your love without losing the love you have for them. 
Loving from a far is still love.

I decide who I love and how I want my express my love for each individual in my life. Unfortunately, everyone else, even my one true love, has the power to do the same.  
That is true reciprocity.
It's not my decision to make on how that person expresses love to others. I can't control that. 
You can't control that in your partner either. 🤷🏾
The only thing we can control is how we decide to share our love moving forward. 
That is your power, everything else is nothing but love❣️
