Writer's Block: Day ?

Another day of writer's block but I told myself I have to write every day... Even if it's just journaling. 

Maybe I will find my way through this quicksand stage that my mind is in.
I have so much on my mind and everything is buzzing around me all while time is buzzing by...

Could I be tripping for nothing? Is time really not real?  What am I in a hurry to do?
Every-fucking- thing.

I'm not about to attempt to convince myself that I am rushing myself through this experience because I am worried about losing time. That's not it.  
Damn, new thought! (see, mind all over the place)

I was about to write, "I know", then I quickly deleted that and was about to write, "I believe". I stopped because know & believe cannot coexist. If I know, it is established that I believe. However, if I believe then I am only accepting it as truth.  Accepting something is the truth is not knowing.

Knowledge is wisdom, beliefs are just hope.

So 💬 lost my thought 😩😶

Welcome to my brain 👐

The end. I got shit to do & time is moving. 🤟
