I Surrender All

I think I am really surrendering to what I can't control.  I really think I have drained my energy tank by worrying, pondering, and being concerned with the things that I cannot control.  It has been such a waste of time and energy to drag myself mentally through situations I cannot change.
I know what I just described sounds more like defeat than surrender but the surrender comes in where I will not replenish on the depleted fucks I was giving away.  I surrender to all future worry, pondering, care and/or concern about any matters I cannot control.  This includes people.

I cannot control people.  I wish people the absolute best, I wish people the freedom to be who they want to be and the freedom to do what they want to do.  ALL PEOPLE.  Even the people I feel are MY people... Especially "MY" people.  My love liberates.

This liberating love accepts the power of surrender as well.  When you surrender your hands remain open; open to reciprocity.  Your hands remain in a position to not only give but to also receive.  This is the most powerful position to be in.  In this position you give yourself but are remaining open to receiving others, you free others by ultimately freeing yourself.  In this position I can become exactly who I have been created to be because I no longer want to control the journey, I simply allow it to unfold.

I surrender.  

I can only control myself, what I will allow, what life and emotions I want to experience, how I handle things... I take ownership of myself.  We are our one true assignment, until we bond with a soulmate and then two become one which is just confirmation that the first statement remains to be true.  I can only control myself. 

The future looks brighter and less frightening now.  I still don't know the path but I'm finding courage in surrendering to the journey.
