The End of August


Art by: Paul Lewin

This month wraps up on a Thursday.  I think that is a good day to conclude a month as interesting as August has been to me.  A good month, a full month, but most importantly a blessed month.  I've enjoyed August and experienced growth, I've had opportunities to display how I have grown this month... I may not have risen to the occasion by "doing better" as a result of "knowing better" but I consistently tried.

I am proud of myself for the consistent effort.

While I have not been blogging, I have been doing a lot of journaling.  I have been spending a lot of time with myself and I have been enjoying the internal conversations.  

I have grown so much and I am FINALLY ready to get into creating the life I've always dreamt of having.  I am ready to dream wildly and attempt to make those dreams come true.  I can't plan every detail of this journey.  This is the journey that requires faith because all I have to focus on is following directions.  If I follow the directions, I will live the life of my dreams.

There will be times that I feel defeated.  There will be times that I want to give up because I've lost sight of the big picture, but I have to remember Noah's Ark. 

I have to remember to keep building.
