Just "don't" Do It

Art by: Kadir Nelson
As a black woman, there is nothing I find more offensive than someone saying to me, "This is how it's always been done."  😒 Please, STFU before you utter those words to me.
As a black American, had any of my ancestors decided to sit back and accept how it's always been done, I would be somewhere enslaved right now. And to be clear, this is why so many have an issue with the slogan, "Make America Great Again" cause bitch, where?  👀

Great for who again?  Shit, "again" for the minorities who are transitioning to the majority of Americans, America was NOT great. Unfortunately, we are still attempting to achieve a greatness that is all-inclusive. The last thing that was united was this State but we will keep trying. 

So, next time you decide to tell someone, "This is how it's always been done", consider the future and remember that you will be the ancestor of future generations. What will your contribution be to make America great?
