
Artist: Unknown

When we turned around, he was choking her out. 
Her eyes were rolled back, mouth wide open, and gasping for air.  It felt like time stood still and we were watching this shit in slow motion. 

Our male friend leaped over one of the seats at the club and tried to pull him off her but he just kept tightening his grip. 
This bitch looked blue in the face.  I was frozen but aware of everything that was happening. The rest of our friends were yelling for him to let her go but by the look in his eyes, this dude had snapped. 
Neither of them said a word.  Well, she couldn't with the grip he had on her throat.
It seemed like he was squeezing her neck forever.  Everyone yelling, nobody could get him off, and just before she looked like she couldn't hold on any longer her side nigga ran up and knocked the dude out.
They both fell to the ground like a bag of potatoes because he still had his hand around her neck. 
The side dude peeled his fingers off her and was trying to make sure she was ok.
Turns out, she told her main dude that she was pregnant by the side dude and they were having a baby...

She had been with her main dude for six years, he loved that girl like no other but then she met her side dude.  The side dude also loved her like no other so either choice was a good decision but nothing good can come from being deceitful.  
She opened herself up for karma to come and teach her life lessons that she didn't have the strength to endure.  As her friends, we were going to be there but none of us had any idea that being attached to her would also alter our lives as we knew them.  The blow back from her karma changed all of our lives as we knew it.  
