2023 | The Countdown

Where did the time go?
So much has happened this year but everything seems to be fleeting...  Glad we made it though!  
Grateful that we survived and prayerfully we will have another year to try to get it right.
I didn't have a focus this year, I just wanted to survive and end it off better than I started.  I definitely believe I succeeded.  Things that I wanted made their way to me without me putting forth effort because I had previously planted a seed in fertile soil so it seems. 
A few things I forgot that I wanted but since my writing is somewhat of a vision board, I have the opportunity to go back and see what has been on my heart long after my mind has moved passed the desire.

So, what is my hope for 2024?  To take nothing for granted.  
I want to take advantage of every opportunity and not look at it like a chore.

I have the opportunity to clean my house.
I have the opportunity to wash our clothes
I have the opportunity to go grocery shopping.
I have the opportunity to move my body to the fullest extent.
I have the opportunity to stretch.
Because I am capable I have the opportunity to change my life and become everything I have ever dreamed of being.

I pray that I have the courage to be disciplined and focused in the moments that I just don't feel like it.  I pray that I consistently see the blessing in having the opportunity to do the work to become the best version of myself.

While I am still not sure where the time went, I do feel as if it was well spent.  2023 was a good year!  Full of learning, full of growing, full of understanding the process and allowing life to take its natural course.  I am not sure of what 2024 will have in store for me but I pray I am in tune with my guides on this path. 
I pray that I have the courage to take advantage of every opportunity that was created for me.
