First day of Winter 2023

Artist: Unknown

I haven't landed on one version of myself yet.  I've continued to grow, even through the pains.
I wonder if I ever will land on one version but never am I wondering about that too long because I enjoy wandering. 
What feels right to me?
What excites me?
How will I change today?
How have I stayed the same?

I still look forward to becoming... I look forward to unbecoming.
I'm growing.
I'm still figuring it out and I can't lie, I was NOT enjoying the journey.  As of lately, I have been... I've been enjoying the surrender and allowing myself the freedom to grow, like a plant.
I don't know the direction that the vines will take but I feel my roots are fully planted in rich soil.
I'm looking forward to doing the work that needs to be done in the Winter to see Mother Nature do her thang in harvest season.

I hope we all find peace in surrendering to the process of growth.  In this season and the next.
