Get Your Own Happy

Artist: Chole Dominik

Some people will share everything with you but their happy.

What I mean by that is, that people share their bad news with ease, they share their accomplishments, but the things that make them happy?  They hold those close and decide with accurate precision who, what, and when they will allow another to share in the things that bring them happiness.

Children, a life partner, the dream way to provide, a talent they hold dear.... 
What brings another happiness changes with each individual so it could be anything for anyone.  I know I do it but the people I let in, I let in.  
What's always been hard for me to accept is those that I am completely transparent with tend to hide some of their happiness from me.  Instead of looking out, I decided to look within.  

Why would anyone that I share all my happiness with decide to keep some of their happiness from me?  What about me would make someone exclude me from some of their happiest moments and I realized, I can hog up the energy.

You have to be prepared for my energy and no matter how much someone loves you, it is hard for them to tell you that they can't share everything with you because "Your enthusiasm lands on others toes."
True introspection never stops at the surface.
Why do I over-celebrate for others so much so that it feels like it is OUR victory and not just theirs?

Well, I wish people celebrated with me and not for me.  
I wish for it so much that I project it on others when they share their happiness with me.  I want them to know that I am happy not only as their loved one but I am empathetically happy.
It's hard to break this down at the same time that I am working through it.

What I am slowly realizing is that people love when you are empathetically sad, angry, or hurt on their behalf but HAPPY?!  
No, people do not want anyone to be empathetically happy for them.  I guess we are all guilty of it to some extent...
I don't share with everyone how great my relationship is.  I never tell people how happy I am in my own house, being with my family that lives in that house.  I don't want to leave because as soon as I step out, it's sadness all around.  One thing about being a true empath, you feel everything. 


I am still working on not absorbing everything that I feel but in the meantime, I am trying to maintain my energy without allowing the energy of others, good or bad, to influence mine.
While I am in training, I am not accepting any unneeded interactions.  I have decided not to accept any energy during this time, I will only project what I have the reserves to project.
I protect my remaining energy.

My enthusiasm will land on my toes.  I will allow my cup to runneth over with the excitement I carry for others and their good news.  I am pouring all that love, support, and excitement into myself and my journey.  My path to my own happiness.
Don't worry, I am going to share all of it and I hope your enthusiasm lands on my toes.  
It's only proof that your cup truly runs over too.
