How Deep is Your Trust?

I think the saying is, How deep is your love?" but wouldn't the question be, how deep is your trust?

I love my man deeply but I trust him more than I love him and that; is deeper than bottomless. 
I have faith in him.
I have faith that he will make the proper decisions
I have faith that he will be loyal and true to the one he considers most valuable in a time of opportunity that can only serve himself. 
I have faith that he will do what is best for him at all times and that brings me comfort. 

I also have faith in myself. See, we are both human and blessed with free will. I empower my man to live with free will because I am empowered to do the same.

If he makes decisions that compromise my self-respect, I cannot move forward. I don't care what it is. That statement has no walls or ceilings. If whatever he does makes me feel less than as a human being in any way, I will not move forward. 

As a partner, I do not provide that experience nor will I endure that experience. 

I am kind. I am patient. I am love. I am committed, loyal, honest, thoughtful, and considerate, I am of service and that has been my way of expressing the love I have with my man. He displays those things to me as well so I will enjoy feeling like I'm flying while my feet are firmly planted on the ground. 
Two things can exist at once ✨✨

The point is, you can love anyone but do you trust the people you love?
Do you trust your partner and if not, why are you with them?  

Isn't the point of loving another intimately, to get to that deep 50+ year love? To survive a journey together with your partner... Isn't the point, to do it forever?... If that's the point, how can you survive it without trust?
We thrive when someone believes in us. 
Or do we? 
Can we even trust ourselves? 🤷🏾
