
Artist: Debbie Vervoort

Have you ever been in the company of someone who constantly puts themselves down as a way to alert those around them about the things they don't like about them?

We've all heard them and most of us are guilty of doing it.  You see someone out of shape, you start talking about going to the gym.  You see an obese person, you start talking about losing weight.  Someone with a bad mouth, you start talking about the dentist... so on and so on.

What I find odd about this is thinking that the people you are around when you say these things don't know their own issues so by doing this you just come off like an asshole.

The solution?  Don't do it or be direct about it in a respectful way.

For example, if someone has unpleasant breath, you should not look for gum to offer them.  You inform them that they have bad breath and the solution you have is a piece of gum.  This way they are making a well-informed decision based on the knowledge they have.  OR, if they are not a fan of gum they can remedy the issue in the way that they believe is best.  Asking someone if they want a piece of gum is not, nor will it ever be a way to inform them that their breath stinks.

I can give a million examples but I think we all understand the gist of what I am speaking of.  If you cannot give constructive criticism, shut the fuck up.
