Somebody's Something

Artist: Unknown
    We are all someone's something, or are we?
You ever considered those, that are nobody's anything?
I was just thinking of how lonely it would be to have nobody that thought of you. Nobody who felt a connection strong enough to you to make sure you're ok...
In a time where we are so connected that we long to be disconnected, what do we do when everyone has opted out of connecting with us?
For some reason, I've always been blessed to have a couple of people that feel drawn to reach out to me. I don't take that lightly.

How about you? I hope that everyone has someone that cares about their well-being but let's face it, many of us lost entire families during the pandemic. Sadly, many of us are alone. 
No generations before us, no generations after us. It's just us attempting to connect with other people hoping we create real unbreakable bonds.
That thought leads me to this: Once we realize the blessing of having a tribe, why is it so hard to find others who understand how special it is?

What I mean is, I can meet people and believe we are vibing and then you find out they are morally corrupt. Once you get the know them, your soul rejects them but you feel obligated to stay connected because you don't want to be alone... This is what I call a mental can of worms because this leads me to a new thought.  

Can we cultivate the group of people we not only want to share life with but because of them, you know that you will not die alone?  You will live and leave peacefully because of the people you've selected to share time with.
Do we cling to whoever mindlessly clings to us because they may be the only connection we get blessed with?

It's easy to say what you will choose but if you look at your life now, which choice does it reflect?
