
Artist: Unknown

When you break a mirror, it's shattered. There's no fixing it so you either get another one or learn to live without it.

When you break a bone, you wear a cast so it can heal properly.  If the bone was shattered it will have to be replaced with a metal rod or something...
When you break a heart what is the healing process?

So many things get broken when you break a heart like trust and respect. How do you repair broken morals and values? 
I've read a lot on the topic and I've personally gone through the process of healing a broken heart and the only thing that repaired it is me.
Unfortunately, there is no one else suitable for the job but ourselves.  The first stage of repair was an acceptance that I am in control at all times of whom I allow access to the most fragile spaces of my life.  No, that acceptance does not repair the pain that has been endured but it empowered me to start a healing journey that has not only made me strong but open to experience the pleasures of being vulnerable all over again.
I take full responsibility for my life and the people I allow in my space.  I understand that I may get hurt along the way but I know for sure that I will never get broken again because I took the time to wear the cast, I did the physical therapy, mental and emotional too...  I did the work.
The work not only healed me but it put me in a position to love so unconditionally that I understand love without conditions means you get full access to me but once you decide to do anything that puts me in harm's way; I will protect myself from you in the name of love.

That is what is not being taught.  That is the secret to healing a broken heart.  
Give with no expectations of others, just love yourself enough to know how you need love to show up to grow and that energy will always heal you, from the inside out.
