Sometimes... I wish

Artist |  Nicholle Kobi

Sometimes I feel like I am punished for being self sufficient...

For only wanting what I need and needing only what I know I cannot live without keeps me in a balanced state and just like grade school, I watch all the "bad kids" get all of the attention and pouring into when the quiet & attentive kids, get looked over.  

You either had to be exceptionally good or drastically bad but there was no middle ground.  The middle ground is always forgotten territory until everyone and everything is off balance...

Sometimes I feel like I am being punished for being the middle ground...

I like attention but don't need it and maybe my spirit attracts only what it needs.

I wish I had a life with more hugs, more touching, more eye contact (the kind that makes you blush & look away), more quality time and not quantity...

I wish that other people could be so loving of themselves that they look forward to sharing that love with me.  I wish people understood what that means... To truly love yourself.

Sometimes I feel like I am being punished for loving myself... 

So much so that I feel ashamed because other people believe I should feel ashamed...  I wish I had the courage to love myself openly and not project the standards of society on to myself because loving myself, as is, is not right.  

Of course there are things that I want to improve about myself, reshape, refine, polish, and all out change but still, I love myself and none of the actions I've listed that I will take are because I am not completely in love with myself currently... In this present form.

I wish I saw that love reflected on me in someone else eyes.  
I wish I didn't want to be desired.
I wish my mind didn't feel the need for so much outside assurance but I am glad my heart knows exactly what my soul needs to succeed.

Sometimes I feel like I am being rewarded for knowing there is only one path, even when I waste time wishing.
