Walk in Your Worth

Artist | Unknown

Do you walk in your worth?
I know mine but not always. 
I think I had to accept my worth before I could walk into it...
I remember thinking my worth was in the eyes of those who saw me, not fully understanding that someone viewing me does not mean that I am being seen.
I was being looked at, perhaps... But seen?
The number of people that "see" me, I am unaware of because I was blind to who I was. 
Now that I am becoming more comfortable and getting to know myself, it's easy for me to recognize those who have seen me all along.
The ones who knew my worth well before I did and only wanted me to be aware of how precious I am.
I have a sweet spot for those people but I've cleared space for the ones who have stuck around to show me I am worth it, those who figured out ways to tell me and patiently waited while I discovered the great "I am".
I reserved space for those who patiently waited for me to accept that I was great.
If we all live to balance one another out, there are no limits to what we can achieve. 
Individually & collectively.
