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Not sure if I've shared this opinion but, the most offensive thing someone can say to me is "That's how it's always been", "That's the rules" or "That's the law".  I think I find it offensive because I've been able to read about history and as a black woman all of those sayings have kept my people oppressed as well as my gender.

The law, the rules, or how it's always been is a culprit in the systematic oppression of a lot of people all over the world. This leads me to my opinion of the corporate world. 

Like any other industry the glue, the people who carry complete the work, are the least paid and highly underappreciated.  The value is found in those who hold leadership roles just like the slave owners where the benefits of the laborer's hard work, the CEOs, Directors, and Executives are nothing more than overseers to those who make their visions come to life.

Now, please don't think that I am stating that visionaries should not be compensated for their ability to lay out a plan.  However, please understand that those who put in the work to execute that plan should be considered valuable as well.  
What we want to ignore is that we are all servants one way or another.  The only difference is now LAWS have been changed, RULES have been adjusted, and the way it has ALWAYS BEEN has just been refined to make certain classes of people feel as if they are equal to those who have created the system.

The year 2020 was eye-opening...  Not all but plenty of people had the playing field leveled monetarily.  There was access to funding, we received stimulus checks in addition to our payroll checks.  The world was shut down so spending on unnecessary items was no longer "cool" so we all were in a position to accumulate funds.  As soon as we received the green light to operate again, people blew all that funding on bullshit.  Now, we are experiencing crime at a level that we have not experienced since the late 80's - the 90's.  Shit is wild out here...

So, my question is how are we going to move forward and make an impact to create the change that we've been advocating for over 400 years?  Or are we just contributing to making America great AGAIN?
