Journal Entry | March 8, 2024

Artist | Unknown

It's finally Friday!  

I hate to wish away my days but this work week has been taxing.  Not because the work is hard but it is emotionally draining at times and some days it takes me longer to recover than others.  This week I have not had a proper recovery.  

However, I did consistently exercise this week as well as clean, cook, journal, and focus on positive things...  I still get irritated too fast for my liking and lack trust in others and their intentions so I know I have so much more work to do.  Which leads me to this thought: 
Why is it that we pray to be prepared but complain about the preparation?

I have to be honest, I have complained all week about the "opportunities" that will strengthen me in the areas I know that I am weak.

I prayed to have patience and when I was put in a situation to display patience, I lost it.  
I had no patience for the experience or the individual sent to enhance my patience.

I prayed for discipline and when given the opportunity to showcase discipline I decided to lean in and give in to temptation.

I prayed for the opportunity to treat my loved ones better and when given the opportunity I shut down because I don't trust that they will see what I believe is my best, as an actual offer of my best...

I prayed to be better in all these areas but somehow I find an issue with all the ways that come to develop the skill set.  

I have to do the work, even when it's hard.  
Especially when it's hard because that is when I show the Creator that I believe in how I am being transformed.  
I have faith, I just have to do my part.  It might not feel good but EVERYTHING is for my good.

I pray I recognize this fact in the moments that are provided to sharpen my skills.  
