Marvelous March

Artist | Unknown

It's a new month... February didn't seem to go by fast in my world but the arrival of March feels fast to me. 

Either way, I am happy that time has moved ahead because I have been killing it at work if you ask me! 
I know it's not customary to toot your own horn and I am not saying this in an arrogant manner but in a way that highlights the fact that I am putting forth my best efforts because I actually love what I do.  I mean I am literally IN LOVE with what I do for a living.  Now, would I do it for free? 

So my self-exploration brings me to inquire, What would I do for free?

What would I do consistently for free and never lose the drive to do it because I love to do that thing?

What would I love to learn about for free for the rest of my life?

How would I love to invest my time?

What areas of life do I want to dedicate to growing and I find peace in being of service in that area?

The love of service is how you become successful... Even if you make clothes, how do those garments serve your customers?  Anyone can make pants but what makes your pants special to those that wear them?
SO, maybe the question is not what will do for free but rather, how would I love to be of service?  

If life didn't come at a cost I would love to wander.  I would love to explore and learn new things about different topics every single time I felt curious to know, and then I would want to teach what I learned to interested individuals...

I don't know but I have decided to dedicate March to finding out.  
Marching through the present, exploring my path to the future.
