Solitude & Service

Artist | Acaballz

Some people aren't meant to share themselves. 

The gift that they hold serves others best when it's in a powerful state, alone. Harnessing and developed in its own way, in its own time. Not influenced by anyone or anything, just given the space to naturally develop.

Some people aren't meant to share themselves. Gods has their ears, and their one job is to listen. You can't listen to everyone at the same time..some people are only here to listen to God. 
Like flesh and bone guardian angels...  They only move when God says, they only move when internally moved. They are only guided by what is within, the Creator.  They are one. 

Some people aren't meant to share themselves. They've been reserved to be used in a way that only those who are also called to serve can recognize. 

Some people aren't meant to share themselves with those who can't see the bigger picture. Trying to bring others up to speed will slow down the process, and silence the voice that whispers. The voice that guides...

Some people aren't meant to share themselves, they are only here to serve. Service to others is how they share. Not being of service by request or by force but service by guidance of your soul's desire to be of use. 

All people are meant to be of service, the true goal is to discover how.
