The Last Design

Pinterest Post by AI Art Shop

I am the last of my kind, there will be no future improvements to this design.
Meaning, I will not pass my genes down to a child in this lifetime.

I remember when I didn't understand, and mourned the chance to give my parents grands; Grandchildren.
However, I still have the opportunity to give my momma grand$ while I mourn the loss of my dad in the human form but spiritually I know he is guiding all of my plans.
Speaking to God on my behalf.
Over time I have come to understand that my body is just a shell for my soul to dwell.
That this flesh and bone will perish but I will never die. 
Even if I never live in those who love me, my soul has a purpose and each day I rise is a gift from the Creator to CREATE.
I can't waste this opportunity of my final lifetime trying to appease others with false humility, these folk deserve to see this shine.
When all your eyes open, that is when you are in your prime.

I am not the first, but the last of my design.  
I pray that I contribute to the future improvements of what the Creator has designed.
That's what I want my legacy to be in this lifetime.
However, I surrender to be of service to mankind.
I pray to stay properly aligned with how I've been called to use this time.
