Get Your Stuff

Do what's in front of you.

Do, what is in front of you...
There is so much to do, use the time wisely. What needs to be done for you is specifically tailored to your life. Hence the saying, "Mind your business."

Do what is in front of you.
You can go around doing other things that will do themselves in due time.
Shit that surely wastes time, doesn't need time to be invested in those things.
Wasting time is fruitful when it has been earned. 
That is rest...

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about everything.  Questioning myself about any and everything.  Flushing out my thoughts, dissecting my beliefs,  and dismantling the pieces of me that were created from someone else's perspective. 
Who am "I"?
What do "I" believe?
What do "I" know to be true?
What has "MY" experience taught me?
How can "I" surrender to the experience and remain free?
Will "I" enjoy the process of becoming myself? Knowing it involves releasing parts of myself I've grown comfortable with... 

Better yet, I finally get to love the parts of me I was taught to hate but I honestly like about myself.
I like my warmth and how it naturally draws people in,
I like how I light up at simple things, 
I like that I naturally like to spend time with myself, 
I find it fascinating that I love thinking, just spending time pondering is technically doing something if you ask me.
I like that I've made peace with pieces of me that global standards would want me to be ashamed of.
I like the little gap between my teeth,
I like my natural nails when I've consistently painted them,
I like my feet, legs, hips, how I curve, 
I love my skin tone, my hair, my smile, and my eyes.
I especially like my eyes. 

The one thing about us that never changes is our eyes. In every lifetime you keep your eyes, the windows to the soul. 
It's important to recognize those that can peer through your eyes. Those who can look at you and know, without any uncertainty,  that they know you.

Most times this person is your mother, or a parent/ guardian. Sometimes it's a teacher, a stranger, etc.
Either way, we know those who know us when we meet them.  It's a natural flow of energy and you suddenly share life with someone who feels like they've always been on the journey with you and you with them.  Past & present.
This bond can be with a spouse, a friend, a sibling, or a parent; it can be with all of the above. This isn't about the variable. This is about the freedom to experience THIS experience as myself. 
With the soulmates that I've met along the way.
It's time to nourish the bonds I've been born into, the ones that replenish my soul. 
The new bonds, the old bonds, the past bonds, and the future bonds, are all here to guide me and I have a role in their journey. It's reciprocal. 
Do what's in front of you. 

If you avoid doing it, it will keep coming up. If you're lucky, it will disappear and reappear.  On the other hand, you get the experience that lingers until you address it.
The same experience wrapped in different skin...
Do what's in front of you.
Deal with what is in front of you. 
I believe this is a major component of a beautiful life.
