To Be Continued...

I was writing in my journal and wrote, "I am thankful for those who got to know my soul."  

It's like I mindlessly wrote it and once the statement was down on paper, the power of those words hit me.  
No day is promised, not even this moment but I have a feeling that my clock has started.  I don't feel like I will make it to an old woman, well I am already "old" by society's standards but I don't feel like I will make it to senior citizen level.  
This is not said in despair but with pride and acceptance.

I have a deep feeling, that feeling over time has felt more like knowledge with a hint of wisdom that my 50s in human years will equate to over 100 years for my soul.

I feel that those who are connected to my soul (soulmates) may not accept that they also know, but they feel it too.  
The days that the feeling is undeniable, we cry because the knowledge persists despite our will to ignore what we internally know will happen sooner than later.
My soulmates are naturally drawn to my light just as I am drawn to theirs.  Somehow we both know that THIS time on Earth is OUR time to be together in this form.  

From this point it is, To Be Continued...  

They know my soul so they know that despite my outer appearance, my soul has been here far longer, and this is my soul's final world tour.

I am ready to be all that I feel called to be. 

As each day passes I feel more courageous about being supported to just fly because I feel destined to soar. IF only for a short time. 
The world has been conspiring since my first breath in this vessel. 
I have experienced all the emotions that come with this experience.  I not only felt them, but I leaned into them and dissected that pain with a fine tooth comb. 

I KNOW what I am made of. Every fiber of me is marinated in good intentions.  

I finally accepted what I was made for.  I am here to let go, nothing belongs to me.  

Those who choose me, I have accepted my role in their lives.  
Those I am drawn to, I will do my best to be of service to them on their journey.  
However, I fully understand that people are not possessions.  
They too are souls occupying bodies, attempting to find their true path.  

When you know this, you are wise.  
When you accept this, you are free.

As of current, I feel a sense of urgency to let things flow...
Take time to experience and let opportunities flow to me while I am enjoying the life I have in front of me.  
Every day, before the daylight breaks, I look to my right and I realize that time is slipping away and I have to spend the best moments making memories with the love of all my lives.  

That's my new hustle, my grind... to make more memories with my love. 
To invest time, laugh, dance, experience some new things together and not take the simple things for granted.
Time is ticking but it will always be continued... How do you plan to spend yours wisely?
